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Magic Math Time Travel for ages 10 to 11 2.2

Magic Math Time Travel for  ages 10  to 11 Magic Math Time Travel for ages 10 to 11 2.2

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Magic Math Time Travel for ages 10 to 11 Publisher's Description

Children can effectively learn math with friendly natural animals and/or worms.The comprehensive game to travel through billions of years, meeting the trilobites, dinosaurs, etc. is provided. The player may face the hazards like "the time dragons" and/or "time thunder". Incorrect answers or too late answers make it difficult to return back to the present world.
The articles contained are such as:the percentage, fractional additions and substraction, rounding, the multiplication of decimals and integers, decimal division, geometry workshop( trapezoid, parallelogram, rhombus, the area of triangle, parallelogram, circle, etc.)

What's New in Version 2.2 of Magic Math Time Travel for ages 10 to 11

Major change

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